Working Together For Iowans

If you are not plugged in to the legislative process, one might think Tuesday that the Iowa Senate was not in session. The Iowa Senate was indeed in session, and spent the day passing legislation honoring our veterans, enhancing protections to keep our children safe and bolstering Iowa’s computer science…

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Funnel Week Results In A Flurry Of Activity

The first funnel week is one of the most important weeks of any legislative. It marks the first big hurdle for any piece of legislation. At the beginning of the session, all 150 legislators submit their ideas for legislation in bill form. These ideas come from a variety of sources:…

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Moving Legislation to Grow the Economy, Jobs

Senate Republicans are excited about the opportunity to move forward legislation that grows our economy, assists our job creators and makes Iowa a great place to do business, live and raise our children. Senate File 1 is a good start in making this a vision a reality. I want to…

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State Budget Must Be Treated Like A Family Budget

On the opening day of the 2017 legislative session I supported and co-sponsored four bills along with 28 Senate Republican colleagues. These are the only four bills that I sponsored this year. One of the first four bills Senate Republicans offered in January focused on fiscal responsibility.Iowans expect their elected…

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Education Remains a High Priority of Mine

One of the greatest moments in my day is taking my children to school. It is a great feeling to see the excitement in their eyes and hear the enthusiasm in their voices. As a parent, I fully understand the value of our children receiving a quality education. When Rachel…

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Activity Begins Ramping Up In The Iowa Senate

The legislative process is in full swing at the Statehouse. Traditionally, much of the first week is dedicated to formal speeches and settling back into the Capitol. By the second and third weeks, lawmakers begin filing their bills and legislation is assigned to committees for consideration. As the Senate President,…

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2017 Opening Day Remarks

Good morning.  It is an honor and a privilege to be elected as the new Senate President. And, like all of you, being elected to serve the great people of our state is not a responsibility I take lightly. The first day of every General Assembly is always my favorite…

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